BASF 25 22286-1 – Liebe, Lust Und Frömmigkeit


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Liebe, Lust Und Frömmigkeit

BASF 25 22286-1 – Liebe, Lust Und Frömmigkeit

Ensembles Pro Cantione Antiqua
The Early Music Consort Of London
Conductors Bruno Turner
others David Munrow





ID: 30430

Weight 0,240 kg
Condition Vinyl

Near Mint (NM or M-)

Condition Sleeve

Near Mint (NM or M-)

I 1. The Agincourt Carol: Deo Gracias Anglia
2. Alas, Departing Is Ground Of Woe
3. Tappster, Dryngker
4. The Farther I Go, The More Behind
5. Goday, My Lord, Syr Christermasse
6. Hoyda, Jolly Rutterkin
7. And I Were A Maiden
8. Blow Thy Horn, Hunter
II 1. Synge We To This Merry Cumpane
2. Woefully Array'd
3. Enforce Yourself As Goddes Knight
4. Ah, Robin
5. Pastime With Good Company