harmonia mundi France HM B 151 – Enfantines = In The Nursery = K


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Enfantines = In The Nursery = Kinderstube

harmonia mundi France HM B 151 – Enfantines = In The Nursery = Kinderstube

Composers Mussorgsky
Pianists Svetla Protich
Singers Alexandrina Milcheva
Francisco de Goya
others Derek Yeld
Dorothea Preiss
Marcel Marnat





ID: 31982

Weight 0,240 kg
Condition Vinyl

Near Mint (NM or M-)

Condition Sleeve

Near Mint (NM or M-)

I 1.  > Dors, Fils De Paysan = Peasant's Lullaby = Schlaf, Bauersohn
2.  > Gopak = Gopak = Hopak
3.  > Chant Juif = Hebrew Song = Jüdisches Lied
4.  > Prière = Prayer = Gebet
5.  > Où Es-Tu, Petite Étoile? = Where Art Thou, Little Star? = Wo Bist Du, Sternchen?
6.  > Vision = The Vision = Vision
7.  > Pour Vous Les Mots D'Amour
8.  > La Pie = The Magpie = Die Elster
Enfantines = The Nursery = Kinderstube
II 1.  > Raconte, Nianiouchka = With Nurse = Erzähle, Njanjuschka
2.  > Au Coin = In The Corner = Im Winkel
3.  > Le Hanneton = The Cockhäfer = Der Käfer
4.  > La Poupée = With The Doll = Mit Der Puppe
5.  > Prière Du Soir = Evening Prayer = Das Abendgebet
6.  > Le Chat Matelot = The Cat "Sailor" = Kater Prinz
7.  > A Dada = On The Hobby=Horse = Steckenpferdreiter