Harmonia Mundi HMD-231 – The Fairy-Queen


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The Fairy-Queen

Harmonia Mundi HMD-231 – The Fairy-Queen

Interpreters Alfred Deller
Ensembles Stour Music Festival Chamber Orchestra
Singers Christina Clarke
Honor Sheppard
Jean Knibbs
John Buttrey
Mark Deller
Maurice Bevan
Neil Jenkins
Norman Platt
Violinists Penelope Howard





ID: 28347

Weight 0,240 kg
Condition Vinyl

Near Mint (NM or M-)

Condition Sleeve

Very Good (VG)

The First Musick
I 1.  > Prelude
2.  > Hornpipe
The Second Musick
3.  > Air
4.  > Rondeau
5. Overture
Act 1
6.  > Come Let Us Leave
7.  > Scene Of The Drunken Poet
8.  > First Act Tune
Act 2
9.  > Prelude: Come All Ye Songsters
10.  > Prelude
11.  > May The Gods Of Wit
12.  > Echo
13.  > Sing While We Trip - Fairy Dance
II 1.  > See, Even Night
2.  > I Am Come To Lock
3.  > One Charming Night
4.  > Hush, No More
5.  > Dance For The Followers Of Night
6.  > Second Act Tune
Act 3
7.  > If Love's A Secret Passion
8.  > Symphony While The Swans Come Forward
9.  > Dance For The Fairies
10.  > Dance For The Green Men
III 1.  > Ye Gentle Spirits Of The Air
2.  > Dialogue Between Corydon And Mopsa
3.  > When I Have Often Heard
4.  > Dance For The Haymakers
5.  > A Thousand, Thousand Ways
6.  > Third Act Tune
Act 4
7.  > Symphony
IV 1.  > Now The Night
2.  > Let The Fifes And The Clarions
3.  > Entry Of Phoebus
4.  > When A Cruel Long Winter
5.  > Hail Great Parent
6.  > Thus The Ever Grateful Spring
7.  > Here's The Summer
8.  > See, See My Many Colour'd Fields
9.  > Now Winter Comes Slowly, Hail! Great Parent!
10.  > Fourth Act Tune
Act 5
V 1.  > Prelude
2.  > Thrice Happy Lovers
3.  > The Plaint
4.  > Entry Dance
5.  > Symphony
6.  > Thus The Gloomy World
7.  > Thus Happy And Free
VI 1.  > Yes Xansi
2.  > Monkey's Dance
3.  > Hark How All Things
4.  > Hark! The Echoing Air
5.  > Sure The Dull God
6.  > Prelude
7.  > See, I Obey
8.  > Turn Then Thine Eyes
9.  > My Torch Indeed
10.  > They Shall Be As Happy
11.  > Chaconne
12.  > They Shall Be As Happy